Yekaterina Shatrova

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Prelude of the Cycle "Prelude and Fuga To Your Name" (to I. S. Bach)

CompositorYekaterina Shatrova
EditoraYekaterina Shatrova
Gênero Jazz / Instrumental
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
chave Mi (E) bemol menor
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 2
dificuldade Difficult
Ano de composição 2004
For piano solo. Composer - Yekaterina Shatrova.
". Reverential and awesome composer`s attitude to the genius of the West-European music is obvious from the first notes. Creating a peculiar Bach`atmosphere, Ye.Shatrova uses allusion to the Bach`s Little Polyphonic Cycle, namely Prelude and Fugue es-moll from Volume I of «Well Tempered Clavier», one of the most symbolic and representational Bach`s compositions. The prelude begins with almost exact quotation of Bach`s theme. However, the expressive recitative is chromaticized later on, taking another colouring. There came unexpected harmonic transitions, syncopation typical for jazz, fanciful rhythm and intonation. The composer`s style is oozing through the eternal Bach`s music, coexisting in the respectful dialogue of epochs. Illusory subject, as if coming from non-existence, is change by a rapt polyphonic development section. The polyphony a la baroque, combined with swing articulation, alternates with astringent harmonic episodes, creating inner stylistic contrasts in the fugue. Thus, means of baroque polyphony in the cycle are interpreted through the individual composer`s style, getting an interesting, fresh sounding".

data de postagem 28 abr 2014
total de downloads 40

Sheet music file
291.7 Kb
(3 p.)


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