Yekaterina Shatrova

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Looking for a Wonder. Jazz piece for piano

CompositorYekaterina Shatrova
EditoraYekaterina Shatrova
Gênero Jazz / Instrumental
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
chave Dó (C) menor
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 1
dificuldade Advanced
Four pieces for piano in the composer`s rendering, which open the volume of Yekaterina Shatrova`s collected compositions, are perceived as a single cycle. Bright sketches with poetic names represent the main characteristic features of her style: combination of jazz rhythms and melodic patterns, going back to bebop and jazz-rock styles; swing articulation and sharp vertical harmony structure with definite compositional shemes and clear ideas. All this implies the perpretum mobile of life itself, broken melodic lines («Squirrel in a Cage», «Sunbeam»), fancy flight or improvising («Looking for a Wonder»), and subtle charm of disappearing beauty («Sing on the Sand»).

data de postagem 10 mai 2014
total de downloads 186

Sheet music file
243.3 Kb
(4 p.)


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