Yekaterina Shatrova

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Fragile. 5 pieces for piano

CompositorYekaterina Shatrova
EditoraYekaterina Shatrova
Gênero Clássico / Peça
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
dificuldade Difficult
The name Fragile means "brittle, short-lived". Each of the pieces, written in an avant-garde key with the use of modern composing techniques, draws a certain image that corresponds to the General name: here is the transience of porcelain figurines, and the fragile beauty of" running away " glass beads, and the sounds of bells melting in the air, and mammoths that have sunk into Oblivion, and fragments of broken hearts...
1.Waltz of porcelain figures
2.Running glass beads
3.Bells in an unfamiliar city
4.Mammoth hunting
5.Tango on the shards of broken hearts.

data de postagem 30 mar 2020
total de downloads 9

Sheet music file
605.1 Kb
(23 p.)


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